Studio Ghibli Piano “until The Wind Rises” Beginner sheet music collection book


SKU: ama20140411-3693 Category:


Product Details:

Associated Names : ピアノソロ やさしく弾ける スタジオジブリ作品集 『風の谷のナウシカ』~『風立ちぬ』 (ピアノ・ソロ), Studio Ghibli Piano Solo “Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind” – “The Wind Rises” Beginner Rank sheet music collection book
Condition : USED. Very Good. No missing page
Total pages: 160 pages
Language: Japanese, Japanese
ISBN-10: 4636898028
ISBN-13: 978-4636898026
Release Date: June 25, 2013


This is a Japanese Sheet Music Book.
OP theme song & ED theme song are collected in this book.
Even if you cannot read Japanese you will be able to play perfectly.
If you love playing music don’t miss it!

Additional information

Weight1 kg