JNR Factory Tour ‘Second’ Japanese Photo Collection & Data Book


国鉄工場めぐり(中) (RM LIBRARY193)

SKU: 20171102-all2015book-3235 Category:


Product Details:

Associated Names: n/a
Condition : USED. Very Good. No missing page.
Total pages: 47 pages

Language: Japanese

ISBN-10: 4777053857

ISBN-13: 978-4777053858

Release Date: August 20, 2015


Railways of the -factory- is a large-scale inspection and repair of the vehicle, remodeling, demolition of disused car, and is sometimes facility for up to newbuildings.
Some of these plants, in addition to the vehicle that admission, such as inspection, old vehicles and that have already been scrapped, many also are some, such as prototype vehicles, or a dedicated replacement vehicle in the factory, such a vehicle for the fans It was a big attraction also is present.
Many of the factory was taken over in each JR by the division and privatization of JNR, but there was also obsolete factory in the flow of the other hand Railways rationalization.
This document is for the presence was JNR factory at the time in 1976, and a plan view of the railway era, is intended to introduce divided into three volumes on the basis of the record of the fans who came to the railway era.
In Volume 2 is recorded the six locations to Hokuriku and Tokai region from Kanto.


– winding Contents
Oi plant
Ofuna factory
Nagano Plant
Hamamatsu factory
Nagoya Plant
Matto factory

This is a Japanese book.
There are a lot of illustrations and photos in this book.
Even if you can not read Japanese, you enjoy reading the book surely!!
This book is never sold in the foreign country.
If you are interested in don’t miss it!

Additional information

Weight1 kg