Dark Chronicle Analytics Illustration X Fan Book / PS2


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Product Details:

Associated Names :ダーククロニクル 設定Xファンブック
Condition : USED. Very Good. No missing page
Total pages: 80 pages
ISBN-10: 4797323655
ISBN-13: 978-4797323658
Release Date: May 31, 2003


Contents (From “BOOK” database)The world of the dark chronicle to know for the first time here is here. A thorough analysis of the charm of the appearing characters. Comment comes from development team “Level 5”. Special setting of treasure default setting illustrations. Also included in the “The Playstation 2” 4 new scenes drawn by Professor Fusimi Yuuri, familiar. Special edition of overseas version opening movie on CD-ROM. Full of original wallpaper and screen saver. The prestory recorded in “The Playstation 2” has become a digital picture book and it revives.
Contents (From “MARC” database)In the character edition, introduce the characters appearing in the game including the setting picture to be first released. In addition, it includes a special talk series by World & Dungeon edition, Koichi Nakamura and Akihiro Hino.

This is a book that can be obtained only in Japan.
There are a lot of illustrations in this book.
Even if you can not read Japanese, you will be able to surely to enjoy it!!
This book is never sold in the foreign country.
If you love it don’t miss it!

Additional information

Weight1 kg