BLACK WOLVES SAGA Bloody Nightmare & Last Hope official fan book / PSP


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Product Details:

Associated Names : BLACK WOLVES SAGA Bloody Nightmare & Last Hope オフィシャルファンブック
Condition : USED. Very Good. No missing page
Total pages: 159 pages
Language: Japanese
ISBN-10: 4048911422
ISBN-13: 978-4048911429
Release Date: February 23, 2013


Content introductionIncludes valuable rough paintings as well as illustrations of “BWS” including PC version, all event CG version of PSP version, drawing of magazines.Mr. Black Sleeve The cover of the drawing draws both the front and back, the luxury that all characters appear!In addition, 10 posted novels that can enjoy amusing episodes after ED with all captured characters.A special fan book that you give to fans of this work such as production staff talks about the birth of the unknown “BWS” and the secret story.
Contents (From “BOOK” database)Unbelievable PC version and unlimited PSP version everywhere. All beautiful illustrations related to the tradition of loveful and sad wolf hunting rally. Over 450 points of all the events of black sleeve whole body CG and illustrations are included.

This is a book that can be obtained only in Japan.
There are a lot of illustrations in this book.
Even if you can not read Japanese, you will be able to surely to enjoy it!!
This book is never sold in the foreign country.
If you love it don’t miss it!

Additional information

Weight1 kg