- Title : ANIME NANA 1st illustration art book / Ai Yazawa
- Language : Japanese. This is an official book.
- Release Date : 2004
- Total Pages : 104 pages
- Condition : USED, Very Good, No missing page.
1st illustration collection of “NANA” in the big hit! It is! A popular comic for young people “NANA”. Its popularity is also great depending on the attractiveness of painting by Yazawa Ai and the high quality. 132 beautiful illustrations including drawing down in full page color! It is! There is also a drama in the picture.
This is a Japanese Anime (Manga) NANA Art Book (Illustration Book).
This book is a book that can be obtained only in Japan.
Not cheap pirated copies.
There are a lot of color pages and illustration in this book.
Even if you can not read Japanese, you will be able to surely to enjoyit!!
This book is never sold in the foreign country.
If you love this Anime don’t miss it!
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